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Posts tagged ‘twitter’

Author releases novel — 140 characters at a time on Twitter

So, you consider yourself uber tech savvy.  You’ve got this social network thing down to a science.  Your facebook page and blog are up and running, your website is a masterpiece of html and css engineering and of course you are a twitter pro.  What aren’t you doing to promote your writing?

Well, you could always take it a step further. Or a few thousand steps further like first time novelist Matt Stewart who is releasing his novel…that’s right…140 characters at a time on twitter.

“In an online missive, Stewart called the project a ‘social experiment’ aimed at seeing how people respond to a novel revealed in snippets.

“’I wanted to get my novel out fast and in a way that’ll resonate with the hyperconnected 2009 way of life,’ wrote Stewart, who lives in San Francisco and is a professional marketer.”

Has the world gone to twitter? Not likely.  But it’s an interesting construct on exploring new media publishing and marketing techniques.

And there’s more to this story than a simple social experiment.

Read the full article online at Computer World and let us know what you think of this undertaking.